Hello, WE ARE
Fostering an environment where every voice is heard

Nestled in the bustling streets of Brooklyn, our office is more than just a workspace; it’s a hub of creativity and innovation. Here, ideas are born, plans are hatched, and dreams are set into motion. Our open, vibrant office space reflects our dynamic approach to business, encouraging collaboration

The Butterfly Effect
Our core pillars
Strategy Spark
Innovative planning and bespoke strategies are the foundations of your business.
Tech Tune-Up
Embracing the digital world with tailored tech solutions that keep you ahead of the curve.
Growth Groove
Guiding your growth journey with insights, analytics, and adaptive tactics.
Brand Buzz
Creating compelling brands and marketing strategies that resonate and engage.

Minds Behind the Magic

Our team is a diverse tapestry of thinkers, creators, and innovators. From seasoned strategists to digital wizards, each member brings their unique flair and expertise, united by a common goal: to help your business thrive.

Kristine Runolfsson
Lena Konopelski
International Branding Strategist
Jessica Mercedes
Corporate Infrastructure Supervisor
Kristine Runolfsson
Corporate Interactions Strategist
Kristine Runolfsson
Corporate Group Analyst
Kristine Runolfsson
Global Response Consultant

Numbers speak, even if they're not everything

Countries weworked in
Years of experience in consulting
The experts ready to help you
Failures in our history
Brooklyn community, and beyond
Get Started
Our Community Impact

Fluttering beyond business

At Butterfly, our impact extends beyond business. We're deeply committed to making a positive difference in our Brooklyn community and beyond. From local initiatives to broader societal contributions, learn about how we're using our skills and resources to make the world a better, brighter place.

Our Story