IVC Consulting

Visual identity, print & digital template design

About the project:

IVC Consulting is a pioneering consultancy, redefining the market landscape through its expertise in facilitating cross-border scaling via groundbreaking value chain solutions.

The company operates through two distinct branches: "Consulting" and "Solution," each charting its unique business trajectory.

Our mission entailed crafting a comprehensive visual style guide for both branches, strategically harmonizing their individuality while maintaining a cohesive visual and conceptual identity.

What we did together:

  • Developed a new visual identity: logo, color palette, typography system, branded graphics and photography style
  • Collected a brand book that would combine all the rules of the new visual identity usage
  • Created digital templates for MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point
  • Created print templates for flyers and rollups

Your business is your heart and soul. Count on us to take great care of your brand.

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