FREEBIE! 30 social media ideas for creatives in 2024

We know how challenging it is to come up with new ideas to showcase your work.

Our FREE guide will be your life-saver to find, save and execute new posts and stay active and consistent on socials.

BONUS! Free social media planning calendar template in Notion that we use at Modernista Creative


Feeling stuck with new ideas for your social media?

Feeling pressured to post on social media, scrolling hours through your Instagram feed, having difficulties with finding new ideas and not staying consistent - does this sound like you?

WE GOT YOU! In this template we collected 30 ideas for your social media posts in 2024 with exact examples and links you can click on. The guide is gathered on a notion page, so you can copy it to your dashboard and customise if needed.But we could not just stop there and prepared a free social media planning calendar template

Download now
Notion Guide: 30 SM ideas for creatives in 2024

BONUS! Free social media planning calendar template in Notion that we use at Modernista Creative

Thank you!

You can download the guide by clicking HERE
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